The President's Volunteer Service Medal (2025)

The Muskingum Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America is excited to announce that they are now a certifying organization for the United States Presidential Volunteer Service Medal.

Purpose: The purpose of this program is to increase volunteerism by our youth in their community service hours and increase volunteer hours of our adult leaders with the Muskingum Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America while recognizing their level of volunteering at a national award level and an opportunity to add to their career and volunteer resumes.

Program Year: This year the program runs October 1, 2024 to September 30, 2025.

Documentation Needed and Due: Completed spreadsheet and supporting documentation needs to be turned in no later than December 1, 2025. All forms and samples of supporting documentation are at the bottom of this page.

How to Submit for the Award: The spreadsheet and all needed documentation can be emailed to:    for submission on or before December 1 every year.

Qualifying Volunteer Time: The Scout Executive and/or their designee will certify all Muskingum Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America Volunteer time. Should you fall short of the volunteer hours you would like to record for a program year and you have additional qualifying volunteer hours (as described below) through another organization, a letter on official letterhead from the organization detailing dates, hours, and total hours signed by the organization President, Commander, Commandant, Chair, or like position certifying those hours is acceptable, if you are this person, please have next in line sign and certify your volunteer hours. Please see the website for examples.

Volunteer Eligibility:

  • United States citizen or lawful permanent resident of the United States (i.e., green card holder)
  • Must be at least five years old
  • Completes eligible service within a 12-month period (for annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards) and over a lifetime (for Lifetime Achievement Awards)


Eligible Service:

  • Unpaid acts of volunteer service benefitting others
  • Service through National service programs that provide a stipend (e.g., Peace Corps, AmeriCorps) may count towards the Lifetime Achievement Award, but not for the annual Bronze, Silver, and Gold Awards)
  • Travel stipends, transit/parking passes, membership passes, expense reimbursements, and other nominal volunteer support do not impact service eligibility

Eligible Service DOES NOT INCLUDE:

  • Donating funds
  • Political lobbying (Non-partisan voter registration is an eligible activity)
  • Religious instruction
  • Conducting worship service
  • Proselytizing
  • Volunteer service performed as part of court-ordered community service
  • Serving only family members

Hours Required to Earn Awards in Each Age Group:

What Will Be Awarded by the Muskingum Valley Council, BSA: 1 medal of gold, silver, or bronze level, and certificate per person and 1 lifetime achievement award with certificate per person throughout the life of the program. Additional items may be purchased by an individual through coordinating with the Scout Executive or their designee at when submitting their spreadsheet and documentation.

FAQ coming soon