Silver Beaver Nominations

Getting Started

  • Identify Nominee(s).
  • The nominee must be registered volunteer with the MVC.
  • Youth Protection Training (YPT) must be current at the time of the award.
  • Average nominee tenure is 10 YEARS or longer according to:
  • Look for nominees who have been active. For example:
    • “Jane Smith has always been helpful with the units and coordinating Scout events.”
    • “Cub Master John Smith has been a dedicated CM for 10 years and has helped new CMs learn and grow.”
    • John Doe has been a leader in a District that has continually met its membership, advancement, and financial goals.
  • Read Instructions carefully on the nominations form:
  • Past nominees(s) must be re-nominated to be considered again.
  • Start early as the deadline for submission is Sunday, December 8, 2024.
  • After December 8, 2024, additional information will not be accepted unless requested by the committee chair.
  • Plan to address all three areas in the nomination.
    • Record of SERVICE in the BSA.
    • Standing in the Community exclusive of Scouting.
    • Noteworthy service of exceptional character to youth.
    • (Feel free to attach extra pages to provide all relevant information).
  • Submittals are to be sent or delivered (USPS, UPS, FedEx or Email) to:

Frank O’Hare

Silver Beaver Award Chair

Muskingum Valley Council, BSA

584 Grand Ridge Dr.

Howard, OH 43028

PDF Electronic Submittals can be submitted via Email to:

Where to obtain information

  • Write-ups from previous awards
  • Nominee’s family for Scouting involvement and outside of Scouting involvement
  • Employer, past employer and co-workers
  • Church, Synagogue, Mosque, etc.
  • Personal knowledge of the nominee.

What to Include if possible:

  • Positions held including period of service and Unit and/or District or Council.
  • Significant training completed.
  • Previous awards and recognitions.
  • Leadership roles in Scouting events/activities.
  • Comments on significant contributions to Scouting and their Community.
  • Cover letters or letters of recommendation are not required but will be read by the Silver Beaver Committee members to assist in their decisions.
  • A photograph of the nominee is recommended to assist the committee in recognition.
  • One PDF file is appreciated for the nominations documents.

After submission

  • An email or text receipt will be sent to the person submitting the nomination within 48 hours.
  • The nomination will be date stamped to mark receipt.
  • Nominations are placed in file folder for review by committee members.
  • Nominations will be summarized.
  • The nominations Committee will meet and review the nominations.
  • Recommendations will be sent to MVC Key 3.

Final Tips

  • Re-read the instruction, and the rules and regulations.
  • Cover all areas of the nomination.
  • Be Concise.
  • Add extra pages if necessary to include all relevant information.
  • Contact Frank O’Hare with questions: Email: or text: 614-506-1068.
  • Start early and submit by the deadline of December 3, 2023.
  • Nominations are confidential and retained by the Silver Beaver Committee.
  • Nominee should not be notified of their nomination.